Command Reference
This section covers in detail all the commands offered by newRPL. Commands are grouped in the following categories.
Commands by Category
Command | Short Description | |
→∡° | Mark a number as an angle in degrees | NEW |
→∡r | Mark a number as an angle in radians | NEW |
→∡g | Mark a number as an angle in grads (gons) | NEW |
→∡d | Mark a number as an angle in DMS (DD.MMSS) | NEW |
A→∡° | Convert an angle to degrees | NEW |
A→∡r | Convert an angle to radians | NEW |
A→∡g | Convert an angle to grads (gons) | NEW |
A→∡d | Convert an angle to DMS (DD.MMSS) | NEW |
→RECT | Convert vector or complex to cartesian coordinates | NEW |
→POLAR | Convert vector or complex to polar coordinates | NEW |
→SPHER | Convert vector or complex to spherical coordinates | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
SETPREC | Set the current system precision | NEW |
GETPREC | Get the current system precision | NEW |
FLOOR | Largest integer less than the input | |
CEIL | Smallest integer larger than the input | |
IP | Integer part of a number | |
FP | Fractional part of a number | |
MODSTO | Set the current system modulo for all MOD operations | |
MODRCL | Get the current system modulo | |
POWMOD | Power operator MOD the current system modulo | |
MOD | Remainder of the integer division | |
SQ | Square of the input | |
NEXTPRIME | Smallest prime number larger than the input | |
! | Factorial of a number | |
ISPRIME? | Return true/false (1/0) if a number is prime or not | |
MANT | Mantissa of a real number (M*10exp) | |
XPON | Exponent of a number represented as (M*10exp) | |
SIGN | Sign of a number | |
% | Percentage of a number | |
%CH | Percentage of change on a number | |
%T | Get percentage of a total | |
GCD | Greatest common divisor | |
LCM | Least common multiple | |
IDIV2 | Integer division, get quoteiant and remainder | |
IQUOT | Quotient of the integer division | |
ADDTMOD | Addition operator MOD the current system modulo | |
SUBTMOD | Subtraction operator MOD the current system modulo | |
MULTMOD | Multiplication operator MOD the current system modulo | |
PEVAL | Evaluation of polynomial given as vector of coefficients | |
PCOEF | Coefficients of monic polynomial with the given roots | |
IEGCD | Extended euclidean algorithm | |
IABCUV | Find integers u,v to solve a*u+b*v=c | |
PTCHEBYCHEFF | Nth Tchebycheff polynomial | NEW |
PLEGENDRE | Nth Legendre polynomial | NEW |
PHERMITE | Nth Hermite polynomial as used by physics | NEW |
PTCHEBYCHEFF2 | Nth Tchebycheff polynomial of the second kind | NEW |
PHERMITE2 | Nth Hermite polynomial as used in probabilities | NEW |
DIV2 | Polynomial euclidean division as symbolic | |
PDIV2 | Polynomial euclidean division as coefficient vector | |
PDER | Derivative of polynomial as coefficient vector | NEW |
PINT | Integration of polynomials as coefficient vector | NEW |
PMUL | Multiplication of polynomials as coefficient vectors | NEW |
PADD | Addition of polynomials as coefficient vector | NEW |
PSUB | Subtraction of polynomials as coefficient vector | NEW |
MIN | Smallest of 2 objects | |
MAX | Largest of 2 objects | |
RND | Round a number to the given number of figures | |
TRNC | Truncate a number to the given number of figures | |
DIGITS | Extract digits from a real number | NEW |
PROOT | All roots of a polynomial | |
PREVPRIME | Largest prime smaller than the input | |
FACTORS | Factorize a polynomial or number |
Command | Short Description | |
STWS | Store current word size in bits (0-63) | |
RCWS | Recall the currnent word size in bits | |
BOR | Bitwise OR operation | NEW |
BAND | Bitwise AND operator | NEW |
BXOR | Bitwise XOR operation | NEW |
BLSL | Bitwise logical shift left | NEW |
BLSR | Bitwise logical shift right | NEW |
BASR | Bitwise arithmetic shift right | NEW |
BRL | Bitwise rotate left | NEW |
BRR | Bitwise rotate right | NEW |
BNOT | Bitwise inversion of bits | NEW |
BADD | Bitwise addition with overflow | NEW |
BSUB | Bitwise subtraction with overflow | NEW |
BMUL | Bitwise multiplication | NEW |
BDIV | Bitwise integer division | NEW |
BNEG | Bitwise negation | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
Command | Short Description | |
PUT | Replace an item in a composite | |
PUTI | Replace an item and increase index | |
GET | Extract an item from a composite | |
GETI | Extract an item and increase index | |
HEAD | Extract the first item in a composite | |
TAIL | Removes the first item in a composite | |
OBJ→ | Explode an object into its components | |
REPL | Replace elements in a composite | |
POS | Find the position of an element in a composite | |
NPOS | Find object in a composite, starting from index N | NEW |
POSREV | Find the position of an element, starting from the end | NEW |
NPOSREV | Find the position from the end, starting at index N | NEW |
SUB | Extract a group of elements from a composite | |
SIZE | Number of elements in a composite | |
RHEAD | Returns the last element from the composite | NEW |
RTAIL | Removes the last element from the composite | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
STO | Store an object into a variable | CHANGED |
RCL | Recall the contents of a variable | CHANGED |
STO+ | Add to the content of a variable | |
STO- | Subtract from the contents of a variable | |
STO* | Multiply contents of a variable | |
STO/ | Divide the content of a variable | |
SINV | Invert the content of a variable | |
SNEG | Change sign (negate) the content of a variable | |
SCONJ | Complex conjugate the contents of a variable | |
INCR | Add one to the content of a variable | |
DECR | Subtract one from content of a variable | |
PURGE | Delete a variable | |
CRDIR | Create new directory | |
PGDIR | Purge entire directory tree | |
UPDIR | Change current directory to its parent | |
HOME | Change current directory to HOME | |
PATH | Get a path to the current directory | |
VARS | List all visible variables in a directory | |
ALLVARS | List all variables in a directory | NEW |
ORDER | Sort variables in a directory | |
QUOTEID | Add single quotes to a variable name | NEW |
UNQUOTEID | Remove single quotes from a variable name | NEW |
HIDEVAR | Hide a variable (make invisible) | NEW |
UNHIDEVAR | Make a hidden variable visible | NEW |
CLVAR | Purge all variables and empty subdirectories in current directory | |
LOCKVAR | Make variable read-only | NEW |
UNLOCKVAR | Make variable read/write | NEW |
RENAME | Change the name of a variable | NEW |
TVARS | List variables of a specific type | CHANGED |
TVARSE | List all variables with extended type information | NEW |
SADD | Apply command ADD to the stored contents of the variable | NEW |
SPROP | Store a property to a variable | NEW |
RPROP | Recall a property of a variable | NEW |
PACKDIR | Pack a directory in an editable object | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
EXITRPL | Panic exit - abort the RPL engine. | NEW |
EVAL1NEXT | Perform EVAL1 on the next object in a secondary and skips it | NEW |
RESUME | End error handler and resume execution of main program | NEW |
DOERR | Issue an error condition | CHANGED |
ERRN | Recall the previous error code | CHANGED |
ERRM | Recall the previous error message | CHANGED |
ERR0 | Clear previous error code | |
HALT | Halt the execution of RPL code | |
CONT | Continue execution of a halted program | |
SST | Single-step through a halted program, skip over subroutines | |
SST↓ | Single-step through a halted program, goes into subroutines | |
KILL | Terminate a halted program | |
SETBKPOINT | Set a breakpoint on a halted program | NEW |
CLRBKPOINT | Remove a breakpoint | NEW |
DBUG | Halt the given program at the first instruction for debugging | |
BLAMEERR | Issue an error condition, blame other program for it | NEW |
EXIT | Early exit from the current program or loop | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
IF | Conditional IF … THEN … ELSE … END statement | |
THEN | Conditional IF … THEN … ELSE … END statement | |
ELSE | Conditional IF … THEN … ELSE … END statement | |
ENDIF | Conditional IF … THEN … ELSE … END statement | NEW |
CASE | Conditional CASE … THEN … END THEN … END END statement | |
THENCASE | Conditional CASE … THEN … END THEN … END END statement | NEW |
ENDTHEN | Conditional CASE … THEN … END THEN … END END statement | NEW |
ENDCASE | Conditional CASE … THEN … END THEN … END END statement | NEW |
FOR | Loop FOR … NEXT/STEP statement | |
START | Loop START … NEXT/STEP statement | |
NEXT | Loop FOR/START … NEXT statement | |
STEP | Loop FOR/START … STEP statement | |
DO | Loop DO … UNTIL … END statement | |
UNTIL | Loop DO … UNTIL … END statement | |
ENDDO | Loop DO … UNTIL … END statement | NEW |
WHILE | Loop WHILE … REPEAT … END statement | |
REPEAT | Loop WHILE … REPEAT … END statement | |
ENDWHILE | Loop WHILE … REPEAT … END statement | NEW |
IFERR | Conditional IFERR … THEN … ELSE … END statement | |
THENERR | Conditional IFERR … THEN … ELSE … END statement | NEW |
ELSEERR | Conditional IFERR … THEN … ELSE … END statement | NEW |
ENDERR | Conditional IFERR … THEN … ELSE … END statement | NEW |
FORUP | Loop FORUP … NEXT/STEP statement | NEW |
FORDN | Loop FORUP … NEXT/STEP statement | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
SETLOCALE | Change the separator symbols | NEW |
SETNFMT | Change the display format for numbers | NEW |
SF | Set a flag | |
CF | Clear a flag | |
FC? | Test if a flag is clear | |
FS? | Test if a flag is set | |
FC?C | Test if a flag is clear, then clear it | |
FS?C | Test if a flag is set, then clear it | |
TMENU | Display the given menu on the active menu area | CHANGED |
TMENULST | Display the given menu on the menu area the user used last | NEW |
TMENUOTHR | Display the given menu on the menu are the user did not use last | NEW |
MENUSWAP | Swap the contents of menu areas 1 and 2 | NEW |
MENUBK | Display the previous menu on the active menu area | NEW |
MENUBKLST | Display the previous menu on the area the user used last | NEW |
MENUBKOTHR | Display the previous menu on the area the user did not use last | NEW |
RCLMENU | Recall the active menu | CHANGED |
RCLMENULST | Recall the menu the user used last | NEW |
RCLMENUOTHR | Recall the menu the user did not use last | NEW |
DEG | Set the angle mode flags to degrees | |
GRAD | Set the angle mode flags to grads (gons) | |
RAD | Set the angle mode flags to radians | |
DMS | Set the angle mode to DMS (as DD.MMSS) | |
ASNKEY | Assign a custom definition to a key | NEW |
DELKEY | Remove a custom key definition | NEW |
STOKEYS | Store and replace all custom key definitions | CHANGED |
RCLKEYS | Recall the list of all custom key definitions | CHANGED |
TYPE | Get type information from an object | CHANGED |
TYPEE | Get extended type information from an object | NEW |
GETLOCALE | Get the current separator symbols | NEW |
GETNFMT | Recall the current display format for numbers | NEW |
RCLF | Recall all system flags | CHANGED |
STOF | Store and replace all system flags | CHANGED |
VTYPE | Get type information on the contents of a variable | CHANGED |
VTYPEE | Get extended type information on the contents of a variable | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
FNTSTO | Install a user font for system use | NEW |
FNTRCL | Recall a system font | NEW |
FNTPG | Purge a user-installed system font | NEW |
FNTSTK | Recall name of current font for stack area | NEW |
FNT1STK | Recall name of current font for stack level 1 | NEW |
FNTMENU | Recall name of current font for menu area | NEW |
FNTCMDL | Recall name of current font for command line area | NEW |
FNTSTAT | Recall name of current font for status area | NEW |
FNTPLOT | Recall name of current font for plot objects | NEW |
FNTFORM | Recall name of current font for forms | NEW |
→FNTSTK | Change current font for stack area | NEW |
→FNT1STK | Change current font for stack level 1 | NEW |
→FNTMENU | Change current font for menu area | NEW |
→FNTCMDL | Change current font for command line area | NEW |
→FNTSTAT | Change current font for status area | NEW |
→FNTPLOT | Change current font for plot objects | NEW |
→FNTFORM | Change current font for forms | NEW |
FNTHELP | Recall name of current font for help | NEW |
FNTHLPT | Recall name of current font for help title | NEW |
→FNTHELP | Change current font for help text | NEW |
→FNTHLPT | Change current font for help title | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
LSTO | Store to a new local variable | NEW |
LRCL | Recall content of local variable | NEW |
HIDELOCALS | Hide local variables from subroutines | NEW |
UNHIDELOCALS | Unhide local variables from subroutines | NEW |
→ |
Command | Short Description | |
MKBINDATA | Create binary data container object | NEW |
BINPUTB | Store bytes into binary data object | NEW |
BINGETB | Extract binary data as list of bytes | NEW |
BINPUTW | Store 32-bit words into binary data object | NEW |
BINGETW | Extract data from a binary data object as a list of 32-bit words | NEW |
BINPUTOBJ | Store an entire object into a binary data container | NEW |
BINGETOBJ | Extract an entire object from a binary data container | NEW |
BINMOVB | Copy binary data block into a binary data object | NEW |
BINMOVW | Copy 32-bit words between binary data objects | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
CRLIB | Create a library from current directory | CHANGED |
ATTACH | Install a library | CHANGED |
DETACH | Uninstall a library | CHANGED |
LIBMENU | Show a menu within a library | NEW |
LIBMENUOTHR | Show library menu in the other menu | NEW |
LIBMENULST | Show library menu in the last used menu | NEW |
LIBSTO | Store private library data | NEW |
LIBRCL | Recall private library data | NEW |
LIBDEFRCL | Recall private data with default value | NEW |
LIBCLEAR | Purge all private data for a specific library | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
→LIST | Assemble a list from its elements | |
LIST→ | Split a list into its elements | |
DOLIST | Do a procedure with elements of lists | CHANGED |
DOSUBS | Do a procedure on a subset of a list | CHANGED |
MAP | Do a procedure on each element of a list, recursively | |
MAPLIST→ | Do a procedure on each element recursively, return individual elements | NEW |
STREAM | Do a procedure on consecutive elements of a list | |
ΔLIST | First differences on the elements of a list | |
ΣLIST | Sum of all elements in a list | CHANGED |
ΠLIST | Product of all elements in a list | CHANGED |
ADD | Concatenate lists and/or elements | CHANGED |
SORT | Sort elements in a list | |
REVLIST | Reverse the order of elements in a list | |
ADDROT | Add elements to a list, keep only the last N elements | NEW |
SEQ | Assemble a list from results of sequential procedure |
Command | Short Description | |
→ARRY | Assemble an array from its elements | |
ARRY→ | Split an array into its elements | |
→COL | Split an array into column vectors | |
COL+ | Instert a column into an array | |
COL- | Remove a column from an array | |
COL→ | Assemble a matrix from its columns | |
→DIAG | Extract diagonal elements from a matrix | |
DIAG→ | Create a matrix with the given diagonal elements | |
→ROW | Split an array into its row vectors | |
ROW+ | Insert a row into an array | |
ROW- | Remove a row from an array | |
ROW→ | Assemble an array from its rows | |
→V2 | Assemble a vector from two values | |
→V3 | Assemble a vector from three values | |
V→ | Split a vector into its elements | |
AXL | Convert a matrix to list and vice versa | |
BASIS | Find vectors forming a basis of the subspace represented by the matrix | |
CHOLESKY | Perform Cholesky decomposition on a matrix | |
CNRM | Column norm (one norm) of a matrix | |
CON | Assemble an array with given constant value | |
COND | Column norm condition number of a matrix | |
CROSS | Cross produce of vectors | |
CSWP | Swap two columns in a matrix | |
DET | Determinant of a matrix | |
DOT | Internal product (dot product) of vectors | |
EGV | ||
EGVL | Compute the eigenvalues of a matrix | |
HADAMARD | Multiply corresponding elements in a matrix | |
HILBERT | Assemble a Hilbert symbolic array | |
IBASIS | Find a basis of the intersection of two vector spaces | |
IDN | Assemble an identity matrix | |
IMAGE | Find a basis of the image of a linear application | |
ISOM | ||
KER | Find a basis for the kernel of a linear application | |
LQ | ||
LSQ | ||
LU | LU factorization of a matrix | |
MAD | ||
PMINI | Minimal polynomial of a matrix | |
QR | QR Decomposition of a matrix | |
RANK | Rank of a matrix | |
RANM | Assemble a matrix with random numbers | |
RCI | Multiply a row by a constant | |
RCIJ | Multiply a row by a constant and add to other row | |
RDM | Change dimensions of an array | |
REF | Reduce matrix to echelon form (upper triangular form) | |
RNRM | Row norm (infinity norm) of a matrix | |
RREF | Fully reduce to row-reduced echelon form | |
RSD | Residual R=B-A*X' on a system A*X=B | |
RSWP | Swap two rows in a matrix | |
SCHUR | ||
SNRM | ||
SRAD | ||
SVD | ||
SVL | ||
TRACE | Sum of the items in the diagonal of a matrix | |
TRAN | Transpose a matrix | |
TRN | Complex conjugate transpose of a matrix | |
LDUP | Decompose A into LDUP such that P*A=L*D-1*U | NEW |
MMAP | Apply expression or program to the elements of a matrix | NEW |
Operator | Short Description | |
Evaluation operators: | ||
EVAL1 | Evaluate one level | NEW |
EVAL | Evaluate full depth | |
XEQ | Execute | NEW |
→NUM | Compute numeric result | |
Test operators: | ||
== | Equality test | |
≠ | Not equal test | |
< | Less than test | |
≤ | Less than or equal test | |
> | Greater than test | |
≥ | Greater than or equal test | |
CMP | Comparison test (<0 if A<B, 0 if A==B, >0 if A>B) | NEW |
SAME | Comparison test, true if objects are the same | |
ISTRUE | True test | NEW |
Logical operators: | ||
AND | Logical AND | |
OR | Logical OR | |
XOR | Logical XOR | |
NOT | Logical NOT | |
Mathematic operators: | ||
+ | Addition | |
- | Subtraction | |
* | Multiplication | |
/ | Division | |
^ | Power | |
XROOT | Root | |
INV | Inverse | |
NEG | Negate/change sign | |
ABS | Magnitude or absolute value |
Command | Short Description | |
BEGINPLOT | Initialize a new current plot object | |
EDITPLOT | Set the current plot object to the given graphic | |
ENDPLOT | Finish current plot object and leave it on the stack | |
STROKECOL | Change the current stroke color | |
STROKETYPE | Change current stroke type | |
FILLCOL | Change the current fill color | |
FILLTYPE | Change the current fill type | |
FILL | Fill the last polygon | |
STROKE | Draw the outline of the last polygon | |
FILLSTROKE | Draw the outline and fill the last polygon | |
MOVETO | Move current coordinates | |
LINETO | Draw a line | |
CIRCLE | Draw a circle | |
RECTANG | Draw a rectangle | |
CTLNODE | Add a control node to the current polygon | |
CURVE | Draw a curve using all previous control points | |
SCALE | ||
INITRENDER | Set which library will be used as default renderer | |
DORENDER | Render a graphics object using the current renderer | |
PANVIEW | Shift the center of viewport to render graphics | |
SCLVIEW | Set scale to render graphics | |
Command | Short Description | |
SDRESET | Reset the file system module | NEW |
SDSETPART | Set active partition | NEW |
SDSTO | Store a an object into a file | NEW |
SDRCL | Recall an object from a file | NEW |
SDCHDIR | Change current directory | NEW |
SDUPDIR | Change to parent directory | NEW |
SDCRDIR | Create a new directory | NEW |
SDPGDIR | Delete an entire directory | NEW |
SDPURGE | Delete a file | NEW |
SDOPENRD | Open a file for read-only operation | NEW |
SDOPENWR | Open a file for writing | NEW |
SDOPENAPP | Open a file in append mode | NEW |
SDOPENMOD | Open a file in modify mode | NEW |
SDCLOSE | Close an open file | NEW |
SDREADTEXT | Read text from an open file (UTF-8 encoding) | NEW |
SDWRITETEXT | Write text to a file (UTF-8 encoding) | NEW |
SDREADLINE | Read one line of text from a file | NEW |
SDSEEKSTA | Move position to given offset from start of file | NEW |
SDSEEKEND | Move position to given offset from end of file | NEW |
SDSEEKCUR | Move position to given offset from the current point. | NEW |
SDTELL | Get the current position | NEW |
SDFILESIZE | Get the file size in bytes | NEW |
SDEOF | Return true if last operation reached end of file | NEW |
SDOPENDIR | Open a directory to scan entries | NEW |
SDNEXTFILE | Get the next entry in a directory that is a file | NEW |
SDNEXTDIR | Get the next entry in a directory that is a subdirectory | NEW |
SDNEXTENTRY | Get the next entry in a directory | NEW |
SDMOVE | Move or rename a file | NEW |
SDCOPY | Copy a file | NEW |
SDPATH | Get the path to current directory | NEW |
SDFREE | Get the free space in the current volume | NEW |
SDARCHIVE | Create a full calculator backup on a file | NEW |
SDRESTORE | Restore from a backup stored in a file | NEW |
SDGETPART | Get the current partition number | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
CLEAR | Remove all objects from the stack | |
DEPTH | Get the current stack depth | |
DROP | Remove an object from the stack | |
DROP2 | Remove two objects form the stack | |
DROPN | Remove N objects from the stack | |
DUP | Duplicate an object on the stack | |
DUP2 | Duplicate two objects on the stack | |
DUPDUP | Duplicate the same object twice on the stack | |
DUPN | Duplicate a group of N objects | |
NDUPN | Replicate one object N times and return N | |
NIP | Remove object at level 2 on the stack | |
OVER | Duplicate object at level 2 on the stack | |
PICK | Duplicate object at position N on the stack | |
PICK3 | Duplicate object at level 3 on the stack | |
ROLL | Move object at level N to level 1 | |
ROLLD | Move object from level 1 to level N | |
ROT | Move object from level 3 to level 1 | |
SWAP | Exchange objects in levels 1 and 2 | |
UNPICK | Move object from level 1 to level N. | |
UNROT | Move object from level 1 to level 3 | |
IFT | Evaluate objects on the stack conditionally | |
IFTE | Evaluate objects on the stack conditionally | |
STKPUSH | Push a snapshot of the current stack on the undo stack | NEW |
STKPOP | Pop a stack snapshot from the undo stack | NEW |
STKDROP | Drop a snapshot from the undo stack | NEW |
STKPICK | Copy snapshot in level N to the current stack | NEW |
STKDEPTH | Get the depth of the undo stack | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
→UTF8 | Create a Utf8 string from a list of code points | NEW |
UTF8→ | List all code points in a Utf8 string | NEW |
→STR | Decompile any object (convert to string) | |
STR→ | Compile a string into RPL objects | |
SREV | Reverse the characters on a string | |
NTOKENS | Number of tokens in a string | NEW |
NTHTOKEN | Token at position N in a string | NEW |
NTHTOKENPOS | Position of token N in a string | NEW |
TRIM | Remove characters at end of string | NEW |
RTRIM | Remove characters at start of string | NEW |
STRLEN | Length of string in characters | NEW |
STRLENCP | Length of string in Unicode code points | NEW |
→NFC | Normalize a string to Unicode NFC | NEW |
SREPL | Find and replace text in a string | |
→STRD | Decompile formatted for display | |
→STRE | Decompile formatted for edit |
Command | Short Description | |||
AUTOSIMPLIFY | Reduce numeric subexpressions | |||
RULEMATCH | Find if an expression matches a rule pattern | |||
RULEAPPLY | Match and apply a rule to an expression repeatedly | |||
→Q | Convert number to fraction | NEW | ||
RULEAPPLY1 | Match and apply a rule to an expression only once | NEW | ||
TRIGSIN | Simplify replacing cos(x) | 2+sin(x) | 2=1 | NEW |
ALLROOTS | Expand powers with rational exponents to consider all roots | |||
} | ||||
RANGE | Create a case-list of integers in the given range. | NEW | ||
ASSUME | Apply certain assumptions about a variable to an expression. | CHANGED |
Command | Short Description | |
→DATE | Set current system date in MM.DDYYYY | |
DATE+ | Add days to a date in MM.DDYYYY | |
→TIME | Set current time as HH.MMSS | |
→HMS | Convert decimal time to HH.MMSS | |
HMS→ | Convert time in HH.MMSS to decimal | |
HMS+ | Add time in HH.MMSS format | |
HMS- | Subtract time in HH.MMSS format | |
TICKS | Return system clock in microseconds | CHANGED |
TEVAL | Perform EVAL and measure elapsed time | CHANGED |
DATE | Current system date as MM.DDYYYY | |
DDAYS | Number of days between dates in MM.DDYYYY | |
TIME | Current time in HH.MMSS | |
TSTR | ||
ACK | Acknowledge oldest alarm (dismiss) | |
ACKALL | Acknowledge (dismiss) all alarms | |
RCLALARM | Recall specified alarm | |
STOALARM | Create a new alarm | |
DELALARM | Delete an existing alarm | |
FINDALARM | Get first alarm due after the given time | |
VERSION | Get newRPL version string | |
MEM | Get available memory in bytes | |
BYTES | Size of an object in bytes and CRC32 | CHANGED |
PEEK | Low-level read memory address | CHANGED |
POKE | Low level write to memory address | CHANGED |
NEWOB | Make a new copy of the given object | |
GARBAGE | Force a garbage collection | NEW |
FWUPD | ||
OFF | Turn calculator off programmatically |
Command | Short Description | |
SIN | Compute the sine | |
COS | Compute the cosine | |
TAN | Compute the tangent | |
ASIN | Compute the arcsine | |
ACOS | Compute the arccosine | |
ATAN | Compute the arctangent | |
ATAN2 | Compute arctangent(y/x) | |
LN | Compute natural logarithm | |
EXP | Compute exponential function | |
SINH | Compute the hyperbolic sine | |
COSH | Compute the hyperbolic cosine | |
TANH | Compute the hyperbolic tangent | |
ASINH | Compute the hyperbolic arcsine | |
ACOSH | Compute the hyperbolic arccosine | |
ATANH | Compute the hyperbolic arctangent | |
LOG | Compute logarithm in base 10 | |
ALOG | Compute anti-logarithm in base 10 | |
√ | Compute the square root | |
EXPM | Compute exp(x)-1 | |
LNP1 | Compute ln(x+1) | |
π0 | Numeric constant π with twice the current system precision | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
COPYCLIP | Copy an object to the clipboard | NEW |
CUTCLIP | Move an object to the clipboard | NEW |
PASTECLIP | Insert the clipboard contents on the stack | NEW |
WAIT | Wait for a key press or a time lapse | CHANGED |
KEYEVAL | Simulate a keypress from within a program | CHANGED |
KEY | Get instantaneous state of the keyboard | CHANGED |
DOFORM | Take a variable identifier with a form list | NEW |
EDINSERT | Insert given text into the editor | NEW |
EDREMOVE | Remove characters in the editor at the cursor position | NEW |
EDLEFT | Move cursor to the left in the editor | NEW |
EDRIGHT | Move cursor to the right in the editor | NEW |
EDUP | Move cursor up in the editor | NEW |
EDDOWN | Move cursor down in the editor | NEW |
EDSTART | Move cursor to the start of text in the editor | NEW |
EDEND | Move cursor to the end of text in the editor | NEW |
EDLSTART | Move cursor to the start of current line in the editor | NEW |
EDLEND | Move cursor to the end of current line in the editor | NEW |
EDTOKEN | Extract one full word at the cursor location in the editor | NEW |
EDACTOKEN | Extract one word at the left of cursor location (suitable for autocomplete) | NEW |
EDMODE | Change the cursor mode in the editor | NEW |
SETTHEME | Set system color theme | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
UDEFINE | Create a user-defined unit | NEW |
UPURGE | Delete a user-defined unit | NEW |
UVAL | Numeric part of a unit object | |
UBASE | Expand all unit factors to their base unit | |
CONVERT | Convert value from one unit to another | |
UFACT | Expose a group of units within a unit object (factor) | |
→UNIT | Apply a unit to an object | |
ULIST | List all user-defined units | NEW |
Command | Short Description | |
USBSTATUS | Get status of the USB driver | NEW |
USBRECV | Receive an object through USB link | NEW |
USBSEND | Send an object through the USB link | NEW |
USBOFF | Disable USB port | NEW |
USBON | Enable USB port | NEW |
USBAUTORCV | Receive an object and execute it | NEW |
USBARCHIVE | Create a backup on a remote machine | NEW |
USBRESTORE | Restore a backup from a remote machine | NEW |
Comments 1 NEW