
Change current font for stack level 1

Stack Diagram

Input Stack Output Stack
Level 1 Level 1


Type Command
Parallel list processing Group 4
Affected by flags None


The →FNT1STK command sets the font used to display objects on the top level of the stack. The font used to display objects on other levels of the stack is set by the →FNTSTK command.

This command accepts only names of fonts in form of identifiers. The font must be a system font or have been previously installed using the FNTSTO command.


This command is new in newRPL and does not exist in userRPL.


1:                      'Font8B'

will set Font8B as the font being used in the first level of the stack area.

Related Commands

Fonts 21 NEW

Command Short Description
FNTSTO Install a user font for system use NEW
FNTRCL Recall a system font NEW
FNTPG Purge a user-installed system font NEW
FNTSTK Recall name of current font for stack area NEW
FNT1STK Recall name of current font for stack level 1 NEW
FNTMENU Recall name of current font for menu area NEW
FNTCMDL Recall name of current font for command line area NEW
FNTSTAT Recall name of current font for status area NEW
FNTPLOT Recall name of current font for plot objects NEW
FNTFORM Recall name of current font for forms NEW
→FNTSTK Change current font for stack area NEW
→FNT1STK Change current font for stack level 1 NEW
→FNTMENU Change current font for menu area NEW
→FNTCMDL Change current font for command line area NEW
→FNTSTAT Change current font for status area NEW
→FNTPLOT Change current font for plot objects NEW
→FNTFORM Change current font for forms NEW
FNTHELP Recall name of current font for help NEW
FNTHLPT Recall name of current font for help title NEW
→FNTHELP Change current font for help text NEW
→FNTHLPT Change current font for help title NEW
  • manual/chapter6/fonts/cmd_stofnt1stk.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/11/22 16:59
  • by jojo1973