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Unit | Unit name | Definition | Description | |
1_m | metre | 1_m | Base SI unit of length | |
1_cm | centimetre | 1_cm = 0.01_m | SI length | |
1_mm | millimetre | 1_mm = 0.001_m | SI length | |
1_yd | yard | 1_yd = 3_ft | US customary length | |
1_ft | foot | 1_ft = 12_in | US customary length | |
1_in | inch | 1_in = 0.0254_m | US customary length | |
1_Mpc | megaparsec | 1_Mpc = 1000000_pc | Astronomical length | |
1_pc | parsec | 1_pc = (648000/π)_au | Astronomical length | |
1_lyr | light year | 1_lyr = 365.25_d*c | Astronomical length | |
1_au | astronomical unit | 1_au = 149597870700_m | SI astronomical length | |
1_km | kilometre | 1_km = 1000_m | SI length | |
1_mi | mile | 1_mi = 5280_ft | US customary length | |
1_nmi | nautical mile | 1_nmi = 1852_m | non-SI length | |
1_miUS | surveying mile | 1_miUS = 5280_ftUS | US surveying length | |
1_chain | surveying chain | 1_chain = 66_ftUS | US surveying length | |
1_rd | rod | 1_rd =16.5_ft | US customary length | |
1_rdUS | surveying rod | 1_rdUS =16.5_ftUS | US surveying length | |
1_fath | surveying fathom | 1_fath =6_ftUS | US surveying length | |
1_ftUS | surveying foot | 1_ftUS = 1200/3937_m | US surveying length | |
1_mil | thousandth of inch | 1_mil = 0.001_in | US customary length | |
1_µ | micron or micrometre | 1_µ = 1_µm | SI length | |
1_Å | Ångström | 1_Å = 0.1_nm | non-SI length | |
1_fermi | fermi or femtometre | 1_fermi = 1_fm | SI length | |
1_m^2 | square metre | 1_m^2 | Base SI unit of area | |
1_cm^2 | square centimetre | 1_cm^2 = 0.0001_m^2 | SI area | |
1_b | barn | 1_b = 1E-28_m^2 | non-SI area | |
1_yd^2 | square yard | 1_yd^2 = 9_ft^2 | US customary area | |
1_ft^2 | square foot | 1_ft^2 = 144_in^2 | US customary area | |
1_in^2 | square inch | 1_in^2 = 6.4516_cm^2 | US customary area | |
1_km^2 | square kilometre | 1_km^2 = 1E6_m^2 | SI area | |
1_ha | hectare | 1_ha = 1_hm^2 | SI area (deprecated) | |
1_a | are | 1_a = 100_m^2 | non-SI area | |
1_mi^2 | square mile | 1_mi^2 = 9_ft^2 | US customary area | |
1_miUS^2 | survey square mile | 1_miUS^2 = 9_ftUS^2 | US surveying area | |
1_acre | acre | 1_acre = 4840_yd^2 | US customary area | |
1_m^3 | cubic metre | 1_m^3 | Base SI unit of volume | |
1_cm^3 | cubic centimetre | 1_cm^3 = 1E-6_m^3 | SI volume | |
1_ml | millilitre | 1_ml = 1_cm^3 | SI volume | |
1_l | litre | 1_l = 0.001_m^3 | SI volume | |
1_st | stere | 1_st = 1_m^3 | non-SI volume | |
1_yd^3 | cubic yard | 1_yd^3 = 27_ft^3 | US customary volume | |
1_ft^3 | cubic foot | 1_ft^3 = 1728_in^3 | US customary volume | |
1_in^3 | cubic inch | 1_in^3 = 16.387064_cm^3 | US customary volume | |
1_gal | gallon | 1_gal = 231_in^3 | US customary volume | |
1_qt | quart | 1_qt = 1/4_gal | US customary volume | |
1_pt | pint | 1_pt = 1/8_gal | US customary volume | |
1_cu | cup | 1_cu = 1/16_gal | US customary volume | |
1_ozfl | fluid ounce | 1_ozfl = 1/128_gal | US customary volume | |
1_tbsp | table spoon | 1_tbsp = 1/2_ozfl | US customary volume | |
1_tsp | tea spoon | 1_tsp = 1/6_ozfl | US customary volume | |
1_fbm | board foot | 1_fbm = 144_in^3 | US customary volume | |
1_galUK | gallon (UK) | 1_galUK = 0.00454609_m^3 | Imperial volume | |
1_qtUK | quart (UK) | 1_qtUK = 1/4_galUK | Imperial volume | |
1_ptUK | pint (UK) | 1_ptUK = 1/8_galUK | Imperial volume | |
1_ozUK | ounce (UK) | 1_ozUK = 1/160_galUK | US customary volume | |
1_galC | gallon (Canada) | 1_galC = 1_galUK | Canadian volume | |
1_qtC | quart (Canada) | 1_qtC = 1_qtUK | Canadian volume | |
1_ptC | pint (Canada) | 1_ptC = 1_ptUK | Canadian volume | |
1_ozC | ounce (Canada) | 1_ozC = 1_ozUK | Canadian volume | |
1_bbl | oil barrel | 1_bbl = 42_gal | oil industry volume | |
1_bu | bushel (US) | 1_bu = 2150.42_in^3 | US customary volume | |
1_pk | peck (US) | 1_pk = 1/4_bu | US customary volume | |
1_buUK | bushel (UK) | 1_buUK = 8_galUK | Imperial volume | |
1_pkUK | peck (UK) | 1_pkUK = 1/4_buUK | Imperial volume | |
1_buC | bushel (Canada) | 1_buC = 8_galC | Canadian volume | |
1_pkC | peck (Canada) | 1_pkC = 1/4_buC | Canadian volume | |
1_yr | tropical year | 1_yr = 31556925.9747_sper | 1952 Ephemeris Time | |
1_d | day | 1_d = 86400_s | SI time | |
1_h | hour | 1_h = 3600_s | SI time | |
1_min | minute | 1_min = 60_s | SI time | |
1_s | second | 1_s | Base SI unit of time | |
1_Hz | Hertz | 1_Hz = 1_1/s | SI frequency | |
1_m/s | metres per second | 1_m/s | Base SI unit of speed | |
1_cm/s | centimetres per second | 1_cm/s = 0.01_m/s | SI speed | |
1_ft/s | feet per second | 1_ft/s = 12_in/s | US customary speed | |
1_kph | kilometres per hour | 1_kph = 1_km/h | SI speed | |
1_mph | miles per hour | 1_mph = 1_mi/h | SI speed | |
1_knot | nautical knot | 1_knot = 1_nmi/h | non-SI speed | |
1_c | speed of light | 1_c = 299792458_m/s | non-SI speed | |
1_r/s | radians per second | 1_r/s | Base SI angular speed | |
1_rpm | revolutions per minute | 1_rpm = 1_tr/min | non-SI speed | |
1_tr/s | turns per second | 1_tr/s = 2π_r/s | non-SI speed | |
1_kg | kilogram | 1_kg | Base SI unit of mass | |
1_g | kilogram | 1_g = 0.001_kg | SI mass | |
1_lb | pound | 1_lb = 7000_grain | US customary mass | |
1_oz | ounce | 1_oz = 1/16_lb | US customary mass | |
1_slug | slug | 1_slug = 1_lb*s^2/ft*ga | US customary mass | |
1_lbt | troy pound | 1_lbt = 5760_grain | US customary mass | |
1_ton | tonne | 1_ton = 2000_lb | US customary mass | |
1_tonUK | tonne (UK) | 1_tonUK = 2240_lb | Imperial mass | |
1_t | Metric tonne | 1_t = 1000_kg | non-SI mass | |
1_ozt | troy ounce | 1_ozt = 480_grain | Imperial mass | |
1_ct | Metric carat | 1_ct = 200_mg | Metric System mass | |
1_grain | grain | 1_grain = 64.79891_mg | Imperial mass | |
1_u | unified atomic mass | 1_u = 1.660539040E-27_kg | non-SI mass | |
1_mol | mole | 1_mol | Base SI amount of substance | |
1_gmol | gram mole | 1_gmol = 1_mol | non-SI amount of substance | |
1_lbmol | pound mole | 1_lbmol = 453.59237_mol | US customary substance | |
1_N | Newton | 1_N = 1_kg*m/s^2 | SI force | |
1_dyn | dyne | 1_dyn = 1_g*cm/s^2 | non-SI force | |
1_gf | gram-force | 1_gf = 1_g*ga | non-SI force | |
1_kip | kip | 1_kip = 1000_lbf | US customary force | |
1_lbf | pound-force | 1_lbf = 1_lb*ga | US customary force | |
1_pdl | poundal | 1_pdl = = 1_lb*ft/s^2 | US customary force | |
1_J | Joule | 1_J = 1_N*m | SI energy | |
1_kW*h | kilowatt-hour | 1_kW*h = 3.6_MJ | non-SI energy | |
1_erg | erg | 1_erg = 1_dyn*cm | non-SI energy | |
1_kcal | kilo calorie | 1_kcal = 1000_cal | non-SI energy | |
1_cal | calorie | 1_cal = 4.184_J | non-SI energy | |
1_Btu | british thermal unit | 1_Btu = =1055.056_J | Imperial energy | |
1_ft*lbf | foot-pound | 1_ft*lbf = 1_lb*ft*ga | US customary energy | |
1_therm | therm | 1_therm = 100000_Btu | Imperial energy | |
1_MeV | mega electronvolt | 1_MeV = 1E6_eV | non-SI energy | |
1_eV | electronvolt | 1_eV = 1.6021766208E-19_J | non-SI energy | |
1_W | Watt | 1_W = 1_J/s | SI power | |
1_kW | kilowatt | 1_kW = 1000_W | SI power | |
1_MW | megawatt | 1_MW = 1000000_W | SI power | |
1_hp | mechanical horsepower | 1_hp = 550_ft*lbf/s | Imperial power | |
1_lbf*ft/s | pound-foot per second | 1_ft*lbf/s | Imperial power | |
1_Pa | Pascal | 1_Pa = 1_N/m^2 | SI pressure | |
1_atm | atmospheric pressure | 1_atm = 101325_Pa | non-SI pressure | |
1_bar | bar | 1_bar = 100000_Pa | non-SI pressure | |
1_psi | pound per square inch | 1_psi = 1_lbf/in^2 | US customary pressure | |
1_Torr | Torricelli | 1_Torr = 1/760_atm | non-SI pressure | |
1_mmHg | millimetres of mercury (at 0°C) | 1_mmHg = 13595.1_kg/m^3*mm*ga | non-SI pressure | |
1_inHg | inches of mercury (at 0°C) | 1_inHg = 13595.1_kg/m^3*in*ga | non-SI pressure | |
1_inH2O | inches of water (at 4°C) | 1_inH2O = 999.972_kg/m^3*in*ga | non-SI pressure | |
1_°C | celsius (or degree celsius) | 1_°C Zero: 0_°C → 273.15_K | Base SI temperature (rel. scale) | |
1_Δ°C | celsius temperature change | 1_Δ°C= | 1_ΔKchange of temperature | |
1_°F | farenheit (or degree farenheit) | 1_°F Zero: 0_°F → 459.67_°R | US cust. temp. (rel. scale) | |
1_Δ°F | farenheit temperature change | 1_Δ°F= | 1_Δ°Rchange of temperature | |
1_K | kelvin | 1_K | Base SI temperature (abs. scale) | |
1_ΔK | kelvin temperature change | 1_ΔKbase change of temperature | ||
1_°R | rankine | 1_°R = 5/9_K | Imperial temperature (abs. scale) | |
1_Δ°R | rankine temperature change | 1_Δ°R = 5/9_ΔKchange of temperature | ||
1_V | volt | 1_V = 1_J/C | SI potential difference | |
1_A | ampere | 1_A | Base SI electric current | |
1_C | coulomb | 1_C = 1_A*s | SI electrical charge | |
1_Ω | ohm | 1_Ω = 1_V/A | SI electrical resistance | |
1_F | farad | 1_F = 1_C/V | SI electrical capacity | |
1_A*h | ampere-hour | 1_A*h = 3600_C | non-SI electrical charge | |
1_Fdy | faraday | 1_Fdy = 96485.33289_C | non-SI electrical charge | |
1_H | henry | 1_H = 1_Wb/A | SI inductance | |
1_mho | mho (Siemens) | 1_mho = 1_S | non-SI conductance | |
1_S | siemens | 1_S = 1_1/Ω | SI conductance | |
1_T | tesla | 1_T = 1_Wb/m^2 | SI magnetic flux density | |
1_Wb | weber | 1_Wb = 1_kg*m^2/A/s^2 | SI magnetic flux | |
1_° | degree | 1_° = 2π/360_r | non-SI plane angle | |
1_r | radian | 1_r | Base SI plane angle | |
1_grad | grad (gon) | 1_grad = 2π/400_r | non-SI plane angle | |
1_tr | full turn (one revolution) | 1_tr = 2π_r | non-SI plane angle | |
1_arcmin | arc minute | 1_arcmin = 1/60_° | non-SI plane angle | |
1_arcs | arc second | 1_arcmin = 1/3600_° | non-SI plane angle | |
1_sr | steradian | 1_sr | Base SI solid angle | |
1_fc | foot-candle | 1_fc = 1_lm/ft^2 | non-SI illuminance | |
1_flam | footlambert | 1_flam = 1/π_cd/ft^2 | non-SI illuminance | |
1_lx | lux | 1_lx = 1_lm/m^2 | SI illuminance | |
1_ph | phot | 1_ph = 1_lm/cm^2 | non-SI illuminance | |
1_sb | stilb | 1_sb = 1_cd/cm^2 | non-SI illuminance | |
1_lm | lumen | 1_lm = 1_cd*sr | SI luminous flux | |
1_cd | candela | 1_cd | Base SI luminous intensity | |
1_lam | lambert | 1_lam = 10000/π_cd/m^2 | non-SI illuminance | |
1_Gy | gray | 1_Gy = 1_J/kg | SI radiation | |
1_rad | rad | 1_rad = 0.01_Gy | non-SI radiation | |
1_rem | roentgen equivalent man | 1_rem = 1_erg/g | SI radiation | |
1_Bq | becquerel | 1_Bq = 1_1/s | SI radiation | |
1_Ci | curie | 1_Ci = 3.7E10_Bq | non-SI radiation | |
1_R | rontgen | 1_R = 2.58E-4_C/kg | non-SI radiation | |
1_P | poise | 1_P = 0.01_Pa*s | non-SI dynamic viscosity | |
1_St | stokes | 1_St = 0.0001_m^2/s | non-SI kinematic viscosity | |
1_m^2/s | square metre per second | 1_m^2/s | SI kinematic viscosity | |
1_kg/(m*s) | kilogram per metre per second | 1_kg/(m*s) = 1_Pa*s | SI dynamic viscosity | |
1_m/s^2 | metre per second squared | 1_m/s^2 | SI acceleration | |
1_cm/s^2 | centimetre per second squared | 1_cm/s^2 = 0.01_m/s^2 | SI acceleration | |
1_ft/s^2 | foot per second squared | 1_ft/s^2 | US customary acceleration | |
1_ga | acceleration of gravity | 1_ga = 9.80665_m/s^2 | non-SI acceleration | |
1_r/s^2 | radian per second squared | 1_r/s^2 | SI angular acceleration |