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manual:chapter7:custmenu [2022/01/18 07:29]
claudio [Creating customized menus]
manual:chapter7:custmenu [2022/01/18 07:29] (current)
claudio [Creating customized menus]
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 The menu engine in **newRPL** retains the basic concepts of the one used in **userRPL** but provides new features such as help messages and dynamic menu appearance. The menu engine in **newRPL** retains the basic concepts of the one used in **userRPL** but provides new features such as help messages and dynamic menu appearance.
-The most important command used to display a custom menu is ''[[manual:chapter6:flags:cmd_tmenu|TMENU]]'' which displays the menu on the [[manual:chapter2:menus#using-the-menus-main-active-and-secondary-menus|active menu]] area. It accepts either an integer or a list: the former is used to display a preset [[manual:appendix:menus|system menu]] but here we will discuss about the latter, which allows to display a full customized menu.+The most important command used to display a custom menu is ''[[manual:chapter6:flags:cmd_tmenu|TMENU]]'' which displays the menu on the [[manual:chapter2:menus#using-the-menus-main-active-and-secondary-menus|active menu]] area. It accepts either an integer or a list: the former is used to display a preset [[manual:appendix:menus|system menu]] but here we will discuss about the latter, which allows to display a fully customized menu.
 ==== The menu structure ==== ==== The menu structure ====
  • manual/chapter7/custmenu.1642519756.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 07:29
  • by claudio