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discussion:manual:chapter2:interface [2017/04/26 20:29]
claudio created
discussion:manual:chapter2:interface [2017/04/27 17:09] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 Might be worth mentioning also that the SD annunciator changes to HC when an SDHC card is detected. Might be worth mentioning also that the SD annunciator changes to HC when an SDHC card is detected.
 Also, there's an indicator for complex mode (flag -103) which is shown with a C. Also, there's an indicator for complex mode (flag -103) which is shown with a C.
 +Oh, yes, I see that now.  I need to update my graphic figure with the 'C' annunciator on to point it out.  I still need a way to upload new image files.  S. Martin
  • discussion/manual/chapter2/interface.1493263775.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/26 20:29
  • by claudio