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manual:chapter6:transcendentals [2019/05/23 07:12]
manual:chapter6:transcendentals [2021/08/13 13:12] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +<button collapse="transcendentals-commands" block="true" >**Transcendental functions**  <badge>21</badge> <badge>1 NEW</badge></button>
 +<collapse id="transcendentals-commands" collapsed="true">
 +^ Command  ^ Short Description ^  ^
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sin|SIN]]** | Compute the sine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_cos|COS]]** | Compute the cosine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_tan|TAN]]** | Compute the tangent |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_asin|ASIN]]** | Compute the arcsine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_acos|ACOS]]** | Compute the arccosine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atan|ATAN]]** | Compute the arctangent |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atan2|ATAN2]]** | Compute arctangent(y/x) |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_ln|LN]]** | Compute natural logarithm |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_exp|EXP]]** | Compute exponential function |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sinh|SINH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic sine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_cosh|COSH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic cosine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_tanh|TANH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic tangent |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_asinh|ASINH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arcsine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_acosh|ACOSH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arccosine |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atanh|ATANH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arctangent |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_log|LOG]]** | Compute logarithm in base 10 |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_alog|ALOG]]** | Compute anti-logarithm in base 10 |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sqrt|√]]** | Compute the square root |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_expm|EXPM]]** | Compute exp(x)-1 |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_lnp1|LNP1]]** | Compute ln(x+1) |  |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_pinum|π0]]** | Numeric constant π with twice the current system precision | <badge>NEW</badge> |
  • manual/chapter6/transcendentals.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/13 13:12
  • (external edit)