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manual:chapter6:sdcard [2019/05/23 07:12]
manual:chapter6:sdcard [2021/08/13 13:12] (current)
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 +<button collapse="sdcard-commands" block="true" >**SD Card**  <badge>34 NEW</badge></button>
 +<collapse id="sdcard-commands" collapsed="true">
 +^ Command  ^ Short Description ^  ^
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdreset|SDRESET]]** | Reset the file system module | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdsetpart|SDSETPART]]** | Set active partition | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdsto|SDSTO]]** | Store a an object into a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdrcl|SDRCL]]** | Recall an object from a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdchdir|SDCHDIR]]** | Change current directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdupdir|SDUPDIR]]** | Change to parent directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdcrdir|SDCRDIR]]** | Create a new directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdpgdir|SDPGDIR]]** | Delete an entire directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdpurge|SDPURGE]]** | Delete a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdopenrd|SDOPENRD]]** | Open a file for read-only operation | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdopenwr|SDOPENWR]]** | Open a file for writing | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdopenapp|SDOPENAPP]]** | Open a file in append mode | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdopenmod|SDOPENMOD]]** | Open a file in modify mode | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdclose|SDCLOSE]]** | Close an open file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdreadtext|SDREADTEXT]]** | Read text from an open file (UTF-8 encoding) | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdwritetext|SDWRITETEXT]]** | Write text to a file (UTF-8 encoding) | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdreadline|SDREADLINE]]** | Read one line of text from a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdseeksta|SDSEEKSTA]]** | Move position to given offset from start of file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdseekend|SDSEEKEND]]** | Move position to given offset from end of file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdseekcur|SDSEEKCUR]]** | Move position to given offset from the current point. | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdtell|SDTELL]]** | Get the current position | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdfilesize|SDFILESIZE]]** | Get the file size in bytes | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdeof|SDEOF]]** | Return true if last operation reached end of file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdopendir|SDOPENDIR]]** | Open a directory to scan entries | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdnextfile|SDNEXTFILE]]** | Get the next entry in a directory that is a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdnextdir|SDNEXTDIR]]** | Get the next entry in a directory that is a subdirectory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdnextentry|SDNEXTENTRY]]** | Get the next entry in a directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdmove|SDMOVE]]** | Move or rename a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdcopy|SDCOPY]]** | Copy a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdpath|SDPATH]]** | Get the path to current directory | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdfree|SDFREE]]** | Get the free space in the current volume | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdarchive|SDARCHIVE]]** | Create a full calculator backup on a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdrestore|SDRESTORE]]** | Restore from a backup stored in a file | <badge>NEW</badge> |
 +| **[[manual:chapter6:sdcard:cmd_sdgetpart|SDGETPART]]** | Get the current partition number | <badge>NEW</badge> |