
Integer arithmetic and polynomials 51 13 NEW

Command Short Description
SETPREC Set the current system precision NEW
GETPREC Get the current system precision NEW
FLOOR Largest integer less than the input
CEIL Smallest integer larger than the input
IP Integer part of a number
FP Fractional part of a number
MODSTO Set the current system modulo for all MOD operations
MODRCL Get the current system modulo
POWMOD Power operator MOD the current system modulo
MOD Remainder of the integer division
SQ Square of the input
NEXTPRIME Smallest prime number larger than the input
! Factorial of a number
ISPRIME? Return true/false (1/0) if a number is prime or not
MANT Mantissa of a real number (M*10exp)
XPON Exponent of a number represented as (M*10exp)
SIGN Sign of a number
% Percentage of a number
%CH Percentage of change on a number
%T Get percentage of a total
GCD Greatest common divisor
LCM Least common multiple
IDIV2 Integer division, get quoteiant and remainder
IQUOT Quotient of the integer division
ADDTMOD Addition operator MOD the current system modulo
SUBTMOD Subtraction operator MOD the current system modulo
MULTMOD Multiplication operator MOD the current system modulo
PEVAL Evaluation of polynomial given as vector of coefficients
PCOEF Coefficients of monic polynomial with the given roots
IEGCD Extended euclidean algorithm
IABCUV Find integers u,v to solve a*u+b*v=c
PTCHEBYCHEFF Nth Tchebycheff polynomial NEW
PLEGENDRE Nth Legendre polynomial NEW
PHERMITE Nth Hermite polynomial as used by physics NEW
PTCHEBYCHEFF2 Nth Tchebycheff polynomial of the second kind NEW
PHERMITE2 Nth Hermite polynomial as used in probabilities NEW
DIV2 Polynomial euclidean division as symbolic
PDIV2 Polynomial euclidean division as coefficient vector
PDER Derivative of polynomial as coefficient vector NEW
PINT Integration of polynomials as coefficient vector NEW
PMUL Multiplication of polynomials as coefficient vectors NEW
PADD Addition of polynomials as coefficient vector NEW
PSUB Subtraction of polynomials as coefficient vector NEW
MIN Smallest of 2 objects
MAX Largest of 2 objects
RND Round a number to the given number of figures
TRNC Truncate a number to the given number of figures
DIGITS Extract digits from a real number NEW
PROOT All roots of a polynomial
PREVPRIME Largest prime smaller than the input
FACTORS Factorize a polynomial or number
  • manual/chapter6/arithmetic.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/13 13:12
  • (external edit)