^ Command ^ Short Description ^ ^
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sin|SIN]]** | Compute the sine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_cos|COS]]** | Compute the cosine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_tan|TAN]]** | Compute the tangent | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_asin|ASIN]]** | Compute the arcsine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_acos|ACOS]]** | Compute the arccosine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atan|ATAN]]** | Compute the arctangent | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atan2|ATAN2]]** | Compute arctangent(y/x) | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_ln|LN]]** | Compute natural logarithm | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_exp|EXP]]** | Compute exponential function | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sinh|SINH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic sine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_cosh|COSH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic cosine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_tanh|TANH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic tangent | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_asinh|ASINH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arcsine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_acosh|ACOSH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arccosine | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_atanh|ATANH]]** | Compute the hyperbolic arctangent | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_log|LOG]]** | Compute logarithm in base 10 | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_alog|ALOG]]** | Compute anti-logarithm in base 10 | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_sqrt|√]]** | Compute the square root | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_expm|EXPM]]** | Compute exp(x)-1 | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_lnp1|LNP1]]** | Compute ln(x+1) | |
| **[[manual:chapter6:transcendentals:cmd_pinum|π0]]** | Numeric constant π with twice the current system precision | NEW |