==== PEEK ====
Low level read memory address
^ __Input Stack__ ^ ^ __Output Stack__ ^
| **#loc** | **→** | **#content** |
| //Level 1// | //→// | //Level 1// |
| **Keyword type** | [[manual:chapter5:basics#commands|Command]] ||
| **Parallel list processing capabilities** | [[manual:chapter5:listproc#group-5one-argument-one-result-commands|Group 5]] | //One argument, one result commands// |
| **Affected by flags** | //None// ||
The ''PEEK'' command reads a 32-bit value from a specified address and returns it on the stack.
''PEEK'' is specific to **newRPL** and has no direct equivalent in **userRPL**.
''PEEK'' is low-level command which isn't meant for the general public, but mainly to aid the developers on hardware debugging. Careless usage will either **__cause a crash (data abort exception), or corrupt your precious data__**.