==== FNTSTAT ====
Recall name of current font for status area
^ __Input Stack__ ^ ^ __Output Stack__ ^
| | **→** | **N** |
| //Level 1// | //→// | //Level 1// |
|**Type**| [[manual:chapter5:basics#commands|Command]] ||
|**Parallel list processing**| [[manual:chapter5:listproc#group-1commands-that-cannot-parallel-process|Group 1]] ||
|**Affected by flags**| None ||
The ''FNTSTAT'' command returns the name, in form of identifier, of the font currently used to display the information present in the status area.
This command retrieves only the name of the font: to retrieve the font object itself use the ''[[manual:chapter6:fonts:cmd_fntrcl|FNTRCL]]'' command on the result of ''FNTSTAT''.
This command is new in newRPL and does not exist in userRPL.
will result in
1: 'Font6A'