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discussion:manual:chapter5:basics [2017/05/05 07:50]
pier4r [Rearranging content of Flow control]
discussion:manual:chapter5:basics [2017/11/04 01:30] (current)
pier4r [Rearranging content of Flow control]
Line 7: Line 7:
 Of course if it is not liked, the sectioning of the parts allows an easy rearrangement. I think.  --- //[[pierqr.aiello@yahoo.it|pier4r]] 2017/05/05 07:29// Of course if it is not liked, the sectioning of the parts allows an easy rearrangement. I think.  --- //[[pierqr.aiello@yahoo.it|pier4r]] 2017/05/05 07:29//
 +> I'm OK with rearranging and improving. Try to keep the formatting consistent with the previous part, which I kept consistent with the articles that smartin wrote. C.L.
 +Done!  --- //[[pierqr.aiello@yahoo.it|pier4r]] 2017/11/04 01:29//
 ==== Additional sources ==== ==== Additional sources ====
 As far as I know RPL draws heavily from the userRPL, for basic syntax at least, until this holds true I would point also the large literature in terms of forums/documentation on hpcalc.org and other resources that people may use as source of examples.  --- //[[pierqr.aiello@yahoo.it|pier4r]] 2017/05/05 07:29// As far as I know RPL draws heavily from the userRPL, for basic syntax at least, until this holds true I would point also the large literature in terms of forums/documentation on hpcalc.org and other resources that people may use as source of examples.  --- //[[pierqr.aiello@yahoo.it|pier4r]] 2017/05/05 07:29//
 +> Regarding links, it's fine but you should link to specific things related to the topic, not just generic links to the home page of a wiki or hpcalc.org. For example, link to the AUR details in hpcalc.org, or to the one post in the forum that has the AUR with bookmarks, or in this case to a specific document teaching about loops. C.L.
  • discussion/manual/chapter5/basics.1493995822.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/05 07:50
  • by pier4r