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discussion:manual:chapter1:installation [2017/04/25 19:42]
smartin created
discussion:manual:chapter1:installation [2017/04/30 13:17] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 To Do: To Do:
-  - Check how installing newRPL affects any stock ROM port memory and report in this section (S. Martin)+  - <del>Check how installing newRPL affects any stock ROM port memory and report in this section</del> (S. Martin) 
 +  - <del>If no memory can be expected to be preserved during a ROM installation, add warning and note to do full backup prior to install</del> (S. Martin) 
 +> > I took the liberty of clarifying these first two items for you, I think we cannot delay warning the users about loss of data. C.L. 
 +  - <del>Add some screen shots of the installation process</del> (S. Martin) 
  • discussion/manual/chapter1/installation.1493174573.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/25 19:42
  • by smartin